CS-Vagt does also deliver guard dogs patrols

The security dog is an effective security measures and it can contribute to solving a lot of security tasks indoor and outdoor.

The guard dogs patrols as a preventive solution against burglary and theft.

If a big area has to be inspected and secured, dogs are perfect when it comes to picking up sounds from illegal intruders or other problems in the area. Their sharper sense of smell can also contribute to covering arisen or raised fires as quickly as possible, so that the help can be called very quickly and the damages can be diminished.



CS-Vagt does also deliver guard dogs patrols

The security dog is an effective security measures and it can contribute to solving a lot of security tasks indoor and outdoor.

The guard dogs patrols as a preventive solution against burglary and theft

If a big area has to be inspected and secured, dogs are perfect when it comes to picking up sounds from illegal intruders or other problems in the area. Their sharper sense of smell can also contribute to covering arisen or raised fires as quickly as possible, so that the help can be called very quickly and the damages can be diminished.


The guard dogs patrol is an evident solution in housing areas, on building sites, at lager and industry areas. A dog can also be an effective defense against potential perpetrators, and therefore the guard dogs also have a big preventive effect as security authority.

During festivals and other bigger events a guard dogs patrol can with his merely appearance also contribute to creating more safety in the big crowd of people.

A guard dogs patrol is in short taking part in different jobs, where increased safety or a specific solution tailored according to the wishes of the customer is needed.

At CS-Vagt our dog handlers train all kinds of manual work and obedience training with their dogs.

Do you need a guard dogs patrol?

You are always welcome to call us on 0045-70 20 91 00 or send a mail, if you have questions. At CS-Vagt you get professional guidance, so that we together can find the best solution of your demands.
