CS-Vagt does also deliver stationary guards

Many companies use a so-called stationary guard solution, which solves the access control to the company. We take care of the visitors are being picked up when arriving at the company etc.

The stationary guard is often attached to a building or a territorial enclave. Beneath his physical presence the security guard can use alarm systems, TV-surveillance and access control to supervise the company.

stationær vagt


CS-Vagt does also deliver stationary guards

Many companies use a so-called stationary guard solution, which solves the access control to the company. We take care of the visitors are being picked up when arriving at the company etc.

The stationary guard is often attached to a building or a territorial enclave. Beneath his physical presence the security guard can use alarm systems, TV-surveillance and access control to supervise the company.


Beneath the security aspect of the supervising, the stationary guard can get many other important jobs. Usually the security guard has permanent tasks, which are going to be solved during a job:

Close the company after closing time.

  • Go on fire rounds.
  • Bring mail to the different departments.
  • Open the company before the staff meets.
  • Survey fire alarm, TV-surveillance and theft alarm.

The presence of the security guards can vary depending on the need in your company. No matter if you want a security guard during the opening hours, outside the opening hours or 24 hours of the day, CS-Vagt has the right solution.

CS-Vagt solves the above-mentioned jobs, where we before start of the job closely check the job with our customer, so that all jobs are solved with high quality.

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