CS-Vagt does also deliver building site guards

Building sites often use a building site guard.

The security guard can for instance be on the building site after the building site has been closed and has the job of theft securing everything on the building site, so that the building period is not bothered by theft and vandalism.

Building sites are increasingly experiencing illegal intrusion and theft. Building materials are stolen on a large scale, particularly on building sites, which are placed remotely. It is a irritating tendency and can at worst result in delay of the building process.

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CS vagt does also deliver Construction site guards

Construction sites often use a construction site guard.

The security guard can for instance be on the construction site after the construction site has been closed and has the task of securing everything on the construction site, so that the construction period is not bothered by theft and vandalism.

Construction sites are increasingly experiencing illegal intrusion and theft. Building materials are stolen on a large scale, particularly on construction sites, which are placed remotely. It is a irritating tendency and can at worst result in delay of the construction process.


A construction site guard sharpens the control with the persons, who come and go on the building site. Depending on the construction sites it may vary, if you need a construction site guard 24/7 or only when the construction site is closed down.

Beneath securing against burglary, the construction site guard also secures that unauthorized persons are not present on the construction site, where there may be dangerous and an increased risk of getting hurt.

In the daytime the tasks of a construction site guard can be:

  • Access control to the construction site.
  • Receive and send deliveries.
  • Issue ID-Cards.
  • First aid.
  • Fire fighting and many other tasks.

Big knowledge of inspection on construction sites

As there is a great loss of tools, diesel oil etc. from construction sites in Denmark, it is always a good idea to have a security guard solution attached with inspection as a preventive work. This can with advantage be combined with video surveillance.

Contact CS Vagt, and we will create a security guard solution according to your wishes.

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