CS Vagt also delivers patrol guards

Did you know that a patrol guard does not only prevent vandalism, theft and burglary, but also prevents and reduces fire damages?

With CS-Vagt’s patrol guards the security of your company and employees is in safe hands.

Depending on the needs in your company the patrol guard patrols inside as well as outside.

CS Vagt vagtselskab med profesionelle sikkerhedsloesninger


CS Vagt also delivers patrol guards

Did you know that a patrol guard does not only prevent vandalism, theft and burglary, but also prevents and reduces fire damages?

With CS-Vagt’s patrol guards the security of your company and employees is in safe hands.

Depending on the needs in your company the patrol guard patrols inside as well as outside.


A patrol guard covers areas like:

  • Screening of the company inside as well as outside.
  • Check of correct activation of alarms.
  • Safety check of closing of windows and doors.
  • Investigation of signs of burglary and vandalism.
  • Evaluation of persons stay on the property of the company.

The most important thing is that you as customer can feel quite safe, when leaving the place of work knowing that everything is going to be taken care of.

The patrol guard guarantees a quick reaction, if there should be irregularities at and in your company. Should there is an accident in form of burglary, vandalism, water damages, fire or the like, the patrol guard takes part in reacting very quickly and calling for the right help. This way the patrol guard helps to reduce damages.

CS-Vagt solves these jobs, where we before start of the job closely check the job with the customer, so that all jobs will be solved with high quality.

CS Vagt patruljevagt sikkerhedsloesninger vagtloesning