Video surveillance, also called TV surveillance (TVO), for private persons and companies
At The Security Company CS-Vagt we have our own technical section, which works out installation of everything within video surveillance.
At CS-Vagt we are ISO 9001:2015 certified through Intertek.
All electricians in CS-Vagt are educated according to SikkerhedsBranchen (The Security Branch), and CS-Vagt is approved by Forsikring & Pension (Insurance & Pension).
TVO solutions for every need
At CS-Vagt we have solutions for video surveillance for all customer segments, and no matter if you want to monitor your private home or your company we are worth a visit. We have professional video surveillance packets, which are adapted to the needs of the private customer or the smaller company. At the same time we have a wide selection of camera solutions for the big and medium-sized companies, secured institutions/prisons and ISPS harbor security.

Video surveillance, also called TV surveillance (TVO), for private persons and companies
At The Security Company CS-Vagt we have our own technical section, which works out installation of everything within video surveillance.
At CS-Vagt we are ISO 9001:2015 certified through Intertek.
All electricians in CS-Vagt are educated according to SikkerhedsBranchen (The Security Branch), and CS-Vagt is approved by Forsikring & Pension (Insurance & Pension).
TVO solutions for every need
At CS-Vagt we have solutions for video surveillance for all customer segments, and no matter if you want to monitor your private home or your company we are worth a visit. We have professional video surveillance packets, which are adapted to the needs of the private customer or the smaller company. At the same time we have a wide selection of camera solutions for the big and medium-sized companies, secured institutions/prisons and ISPS harbor security.
We know how important it is to fulfil the needs of the customer for video surveillance. Therefore we spend some time with the customer, so that we at first deliver the wanted picture/software quality, which the customer demands.
Supplier of alarm with video surveillance
We are also suppliers of intelligent camera solutions outdoor, which gives an alarm at intrusion at a given location/area. Our alarm with video surveillance can tell for instance persons and animals apart and will therefore only give alarm at those things, which the software is adjusted for.
You can monitor a place with cars, materials and the like, where you set the mobile video surveillance system to give alarm, if a person is standing next to a vehicle, a machine or other things for more than a given number of seconds.
Our alarm with video surveillance is very good for car dealers and building sites. There can also be connected a loudspeaker to your surveillance camera, so that you can speak directly to the intruder via a control central.

- Nakskov Harbor
- Region Sjælland Kofoedsminde
- Kriminalforsorgen (The Prison Service)
- Nakskov Industri & Miljø Park
- The harbor Rødbyhavn Trafikhavn
- Refa I/S
- Rambøll
- Carepoint VW Maribo
- Eurospar Maribo
Contact us and hear more about mobile video surveillance and other solutions
Call us or come by our security center in Maribo on Lolland and hear more about, see or test our equipment for mobile video surveillance. Or please call phone number 0045-70 20 91 00 to book a time, where we can visit you. You are also more than welcome to send us an e-mail here
We will help you with finding the quite right solution, and after that we will work out a non-binding offer with a cheap price.